Data publication platform of Utrecht University

Quené, Hugo

Effects of obstruent voicing on vowel fundamental frequency in Dutch: Supplementary Materials vs. 1.0

2023-10-12 09:48:02 Open - freely retrievable

Effects of obstruent voicing on vowel fundamental frequency in Dutch: Supplementary Materials vs. 1.0 This data package is the newer version of DOI:10.24416/UU01-2XJTYX, titled 'Effects of obstruent voicing on vowel fundamental frequency in Dutch: Supplementary Materials'. This package/folder contains the secondary data (pre-processed phonetic measurements), statistical models, and R analysis scripts accompanying the manuscript with the same title. (Pinget, A.-F. & Quené, H. (2023). Effects of obstruent voicing on vowel fundamental frequency in Dutch. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154 (4), 2124-2136. [doi:10.1121/10.0021070])

phonetics speech prosody fundamental frequency f0 consonant effects devoicing tonogenesis

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