Data publication platform of Utrecht University

Out, Frenk & de Boer, Rosa A. & Walmsley, John & de Groot, Lennart V.

Replication Data for: Assessing the Impact of Grain Size on Magnetic Measurements

2024-04-08 15:25:02 Open - freely retrievable

This Dataset contains all data (and more!) required to replicate the results presented in the manuscript. All data processing is carried out in jupyter notebooks (DataProcessing_*.ipynb). Required python packages are listed at the end of this file. We employed FIBSEM data (focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy), MicroCT (micro X-Ray computed tomography) data, and SEM (scanning electron microscopy) data for our manuscript. The data is provided in 4 subfolders. Detailed information about the files in these subfolders as well as information on how the data is processed is given in the explanatory file Readme.txt. Contact person is Frenk Out - Researcher -

Micromagnetic Tomography paleomagnetic and magnetic data focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy micro X-Ray computed tomography scanning electron microscopy EPOS multi-scale laboratories Dragonfly Dataset Methods basalt Paleomagnetism Core

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