Data publication platform of Utrecht University

Ntinalexis, Michail & Kruiver, Pauline & Bommer, Julian & Ruigrok, Elmer & Rodriguez-Marek, Adrian & Edwards, Benjamin & Pinho, Rui & Spetzler, Jesper & Obando Hernandez, Edwin & Pefkos, Manos & Bahrampouri, Mahdi & van Onselen, Erik & Dost, Bernard & van Elk, Jan

The database of ground-motion recordings, site profiles and amplification factors used for the development of the Groningen Ground-Motion Prediction Models

2024-04-05 14:57:01 Open - freely retrievable

Induced earthquakes have occurred in the Groningen gas field in the Netherlands, since 1991, almost three decades after production began in 1963. As part of the Hazard and Risk Assment for the Groningen gas field, the field operator NAM (Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij BV) developed the Ground-Motion Model or Ground-Motion Prediction Model (GMM/GMPM) for spectral accelerations (Bommer et al., 2022a and b). The model translates seismicity to forces applied to buildings. With the model already published in said research articles, this data publication contains the data that were used to develop the model. This includes: (1) ground-motion recordings, (2) a field-wide shear-wave velocity and lithology model, (3) site characterization data at recording stations and (4) supplementary files, such as MATLAB code for the GMPM as well as key reports and papers. The published database is the result of an unprecedented data acquisition programme, lasting nearly 10 years, and is now provided openly by NAM BV, through EPOS-NL, the Dutch infrastructure for solid Earth sciences. Contact person for this dataset: Michail Ntinalexis -

Groningen gas field Induced seismicity earthquake ground motion spectral acceleration shear wave velocity model lithology gas field anthropogenic setting Permian Rotliegend Slochteren sandstone Fourier spectra response spectra EPOS-NL EPOS Multi-Scale Laboratories Geological model Subsurface Seismic Cone Penetration Test Hazard and Risk Assessment

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